Richard T. Riehle posted on May 30, 2017 19:20

President Glynn wishes to thank Past President Sayers and outgoing Officers, for their work over the past two years. The fantastic members who work tirelessly without compensation, make CCVI a unique Charity. Whether it is traveling to Walter Reed Military Medical Center, taking Veterans to a VA hospital or reaching into our wallets to assist the needy, no member is reimbursed for any expense.
Feb. 18th CCVI and Terry Brennan had our Annual Jimmy Fund event at Giardino's, all had a great time and great music.
April's Chili Challenge at the Irish Village was a great success. The MS Fundraiser CCVI does for Sean & Caroline Brennan raised over $1,400 that we handed over to them.
The Kenny McGilvray Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser and Room Dedication, at O'Shea's Olde Inn was one great time. Kenny was a founding member of this organization, a member of VFW Post 10274 and Kenny started the Halloween Golf Shootout. We raised over $3,000 for the fund. CCVI received a nice letter thanking us and the Scholarship Fund for the two $1,500 scholarships at D-Y High School.
Also received numerous letters thanking CCVI for the recent donations made to needy and ailing Veterans and their Families. Finance Officer Horace Thayer reordered $5,000 TD Bank Gift Cards. We donated over $5,000 to 12 Veterans and their families at the VA Readjustment Center in Hyannis for Christmas. Last November TD Bank chose CCVI as the only charity on Cape Cod to collect for the month of November, 2017.
A $3,000 transfer to the Wounded Warfighters Account so Executive Director Terry Clen can conduct our Annual Wounded Heroes Fishing Trip out of Falmouth on June 12th. 98 Wounded Heroes will leave on 12 fishing boats (Boats, crews and fuel are donated) for a day of fishing. Spaulding Rehabilitation, Boston, as always will provide the Veterans. After the trip, the Heroes will get dinner with their catch at the Boathouse Restaurant with entertainment. CCVI Challenge Coins and shirts will be given to the Heroes and crews. Terry has been conducting these events for 8 years now sometimes two a year. Also shout out to member Colonel Chip Carroll, (Ret. USAF) for the use of FV "The Albatross" out of Sesuit Harbor year after year for our Wounded Heroes. Very generous!
Our Chaplin Harry Watling, (Co-Chair, Caretaker of Veterans Graves, Town of Dennis) wishes to thank members for their help, in putting flags on the graves of Veterans in Dennis. VFW Post 10274 Commander Richard Sayers wishes to thank all those CCVI members with their help on their "Poppy Drive", Memorial Day Weekend.
CCVI has rented a 10 x 10 storage shed for our items and equipment to be donated to needy Veterans (Electric wheelchairs, stair lifts, scooters, appliances, etc.).
CCVI has a new "Donation Button" on Facebook that allows donation to our Pay Pal account or to Facebook account.
President Glynn asks members to bring in a raffle item next meeting, we have packets with cover letter if needed. Several New England sports foundations have approved raffle items for CCVI, waiting on several more. Any member wishing to contact a large company/organization please contact President Glynn so we don't duplicate our efforts. A full listing of requests given out this year, will be discussed at the June meeting. A listing of grants requested will also be reported.
Every Friday, is Staff Meeting Day at the Sand Dollar Bar, 5 PM. Last years "Sand Dollars For Soldiers" event host by owner Terry O'Donnell was huge, Terry wrote a $23,000 check to CCVI!
Chaplin Watling reports sad news, Joint Base Cape Cod Baby Pantry might close. Last Dec. Staff members brought over $2,500 in diapers, baby formula, winter coats, hats, boots, baby car seats, toys, etc. when supplies were low and have pledged more when needed. Much thanks to Babies R US for their generosity, reducing most items by half!
Member Chris Henshaw recovering from recurrent throat cancer, we wish him well, a great guy and fantastic Irish Ballad singer. He will be back.
Several new members have come aboard, hope to see them at the next meeting.
Crabtree CPA's in Hyannis is finishing our IRS 990.
Amvets Post 333 did a great job on the "Field Of Honor" flags at Patriot Square Memorial Day Weekend, hats off to Commander Joe Fallon and staff. Members attended the plaque dedication for Post 333 Charter Commander Jack Connell at the Claddagh Inn May 12th. Nice work on the plaque member Jack "Skulls" Griffith
Members wishing to help the June DENNIS YARMOUTH WOMEN'S CLUB ANNUAL PICNIC FOR VA PATIENTS, date, Wed June 21 2017, 10:30 AM, Grays Beach (Bass Hole) , Off Rte 6A, Yarmouth Port Ma. A donation will be discussed at the June meeting.