
Cape Cod Veterans News


I announce the passing of CCVI member Pat O'Brien. Janice and I were close with Pat and his wife Kay, who passed before him. Pat was always a huge supporter of CCVI and Veterans, Pat served in the Irish Army and the US Army. For decades Pat played in sessions at the Claddagh Inn, O'Shea's, The Depot, and many other spots. Pat would come to our home with his squeeze box and play for Janice's mom. CCVI members were with Pat's Family last week at O'Shea's who were visiting. Pat will be remembered as a gentile patriotic man proud of his heritage and loving wife Kay. Staff will attend his wake and all member are encouraged to attend. More to follow.


With this note I am emailing everyone that a dear friend, supporter and to me like a family member Pat O’Brien passed away just after 3:00 PM in the afternoon of Saturday April 30, 2022.  Pat was like a family member to all of us but more important like our closest brother.

Raised on a farm in Ireland Pat came to America to work for TWA Airlines in the days of Howard Hughes.  He wedded a lovely lady named Kaye and retired in East Harwich right on the roundabout on Route 39 with a statue of the Virgin Mother in his front yard.  From frequent visits by his family from Long Island including his brother Jerry and name’s sake, his nephew Pat O’Brien.  Our Pat whole family was our closest neighbor and closest friend.  They are tremendously in gratitude to all the Knights that pitched in endless times to help Pat with medical rides, shopping chores and sometimes to just reminisce about good old times over a George’s Pizza.  Knights like Paul Lyons, Sam Black, Bill Boyer, John Burns, Tony Cosgrove, Mark Dennen, Mark Robinson, Ray Tallia, myself and many more.

It is too soon to say when the services will be and where, but I am sure some of us between now and then will collect at O’Shea’s where Pat would perform on his Accordion with the help of is long friend on the Cape Paul Lyons.  Pat was also an extra in a movie filmed at O’Shea’s where he was a shepherd.  The stories of Pat and Kaye never end and will be a great choice of conversations starters amongst the many friends of Pat and Kaye on the Cape.

We do not know currently what the final cause of Pat passing on to be with Kaye was.  He had heart issues and was testing positive with the Coronavirus.  His symptoms of the virus to a lay person were mild but doctors had discussed very serious issues like failing heart valves.  This will be sorted out in the up-and-coming days by the Mayflower Nursing home and Cape Cod Hospital but at this point we all can be assure that Pat is in a better place with his wife Kaye in Heaven.

I will close by asking all the Knights in Council 7312 and Assembly 401 to say a prayer for Pat, Kaye, and their family tonight before we go to bed.  If anyone would like to talk, write, or email me or Pat’s family in Long Island I would be happy to provide their contact info.  Just email or contact me using my contact info below.

God Bless,

Brian Kennedy

Past Grand Knight Saint Paul VI Council 7312

Posted in: Announcements

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Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .