
Cape Cod Veterans News


If you served on active duty in any of these locations, we’ll automatically assume (or “presume”) that you had exposure to Agent Orange.

  • Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam
    Presumed exposure on land in Vietnam, on a vessel operating on the inland waterways of Vietnam, or on a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia as defined in Public Law 116-23 (Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act 2019) between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975
  • C-123 Airplanes and Agent Orange Residue
    Possible exposure of C-123 flight, ground maintenance, and aeromedical crew members to herbicide residue in C-123 planes flown during and after after the Vietnam War
  • Korean Demilitarized Zone
    Presumed exposure for units determined by VA and DoD to have operated along the demilitarized zone in Korea between Sept. 1, 1967, and August 31, 1971.
  • Thailand Military Bases
    VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand from January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976.
  • Herbicide Tests and Storage Outside Vietnam
    Possible exposure due to Department of Defense herbicide tests and storage at military installations in the United States and at locations in other countries, and locations added by the PACT Act.
Posted in: Resources

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Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .
