Richard T. Riehle posted on November 17, 2014 20:24

Walter Reed Society National Newsletter for November 2014 (see thank you letters) thanks CCVI , Sons of Erin, North Side Mania, Joe Buscone, the Hot Stove and The Sand Dollar for their support over the years. The Thousands of dollars donated have assisted the most severely wounded troops. Walter Reed Society is headquartered in the same building as the wounded at Walter Reed Military Medical Center. Over 98% of the funds raised go to the troops, not advertisement and self promotion. All members and staff are retired senior military members and receive no salary. Know where your money goes.
The Walter Reed Society (WRS) is a tax exempt 501(c) 3 charitable organization incorporated in the District of Columbia and registered in the State of Maryland. Originally organized in 1996 for the benefit of Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC), the Society now serves its successor organization, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), and its educational, patient, treatment and research activities. Membership in the Society is open to all – officer, enlisted, active duty, Reserve, National Guard, retired, civilian, patient, family member, and friend of WRNMMC. The WRS governing board is all-volunteer, and all of those involved in assisting our Wounded Warriors do so without remuneration.
Through the generous support of corporate and private donors, a fund was established in 2004 to assist servicemen and women being treated at WRNMMC due to service in Iraq, Afghanistan and surrounding areas. The fund helps them with unexpected financial needs and provides them with specially identified equipment and services related to their care when other resources are not available. Grants are approved on a case by case review. Since its inception, hundreds of service members and/or their families have received assistance from the WRS Warrior/Family Support Fund. The total amount granted so far exceeds $2.2 million.
The following list includes examples of the assistance provided through the generosity of our donors:
- Airfare
- Alter G anti-gravity trainer
- Childcare expenses
- Children’s festival sponsorship
- Clothing
- Direct support to occupational and physical therapy, nursing, and the amputee center for outings, equipment, supplies and furniture
- Donated calling card minutesto Fisher House Foundation
- Funeral expenses
- Furnace replacement
- Furniture rental
- Hand crank cycle and wheelchair gloves
- Healing garden in hospital courtyard
- Healthcare costs for family members
- House insurance premiums
- Lodging expenses
- Mortgage/rent payments
- Personal grants for incidental expenses/unexpected debts
- Refreshments for ceremonies& artworkfor thehospital
- Refurbishment of pediatric waiting room
- Sperm banking procedures
- Sponsored fishing andshooting trips and other outdoor activities
- Storage fees
- Telephone bills
- Tickets to sporting and entertainment events
- Utility bills (gas, electric, water)
- Vehicle payments and insurance premiums
- Vehicle repairs and tire replacements