
Cape Cod Veterans News

Received a nice letter from another WWII Veteran's daughter thanking CCVI for getting the needed repairs to his bathroom over the July 4th Week. Rudy ...

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Posted in: News & Press
  Hi Richie, First of all, I personally would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do and how you do it. I had to l...

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Posted in: News & Press
Dear Cape Cod Veterans, My name is Ellen Gerstein an actor / director / filmmaker from Los Angeles, California. My film “Come Away With Me&rdquo...

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Posted in: Announcements
Joe Buscone Certificate of Appreciation
CCVI awarding Joe Buscone a certificate of appreciation and "Afgan" from the Walter Reed Society, for his support. Joe and the Northside Marina have d...

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USO at Walter Reed Military Medical Center
Cape Cod Veterans Staff serving Wounded Heroes and their families in the USO at Walter Reed Military Medical Center. Cape Cod Veterans Inc. with our E...

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Walter Reed Military Medical Center
Posted in: Events
Virtual Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall
Listing of the Heroes who made The Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam. Search by state:

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Posted in: Announcements
Falmouth Wounded Warfighters Fishing Trip
Wounded Heroes have a lunch at Parkers Pub after the fishing trip was cut short because of inclement weather. We will try again later in the year.
Posted in: Events
USO Metro Washington-Baltimore USO Warrior and Family Center
 Email for the USO at Walter Reed Medical Military Center where CCVI hosted a Catered Cookout for the Wounded Heroes and Families,  The staf...

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Posted in: News & Press
Disabled Vietnam Veteran Home Saved
Disabled Vietnam Veteran need help of he would loose his home. CCVI and Barnstable Sheriff Department teamed up to rehab the property and home. The ya...

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Posted in: News & Press
In response to the Institute of Medicine’s report on Post-Vietnam Dioxin Exposure in Agent Orange-Contaminated C-123 Aircraft from the...

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Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .