
Cape Cod Veterans News

June 18th CCVI and AmeriCorps Cape Cod will starting work on Merrill Park restoration.  Information will be available soon on how to purchase a B...

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Posted in: News & Press
Coast Guard Chatham Family Day Cookout June 7th was fantastic. The families were honored for their service to our country and Station service members ...

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Posted in: News & Press
June 2014 Newsletter  Pig Roast at the Sand Dollar was great. Seamus did a fantastic job Pro Bono for us, and the music was sensational. Terry...

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Posted in: News & Press
Currently, the walkway and deck are closed because their deterioration presents safety risks. Rotting wood has caused supports and beams to fail and b...

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Posted in: Announcements
Cape Cod Veterans Inc. will host a family day cookout for the Coast Guard Chatham Lighthouse Unit and their families. Special Tee shirts and CCVI Chal...

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Posted in: Events
CCVI & "Falmouth Inner Harbor Charters",  F/V Sea Dog- Capt. Ben " Cranny" Crenshaw, F/V Islander- Capt. C.J Lambert, F/V Machaca- Capt....

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Posted in: Events
Posted in: News & Press
A veteran Army soldier who helped rescue Pfc. Jessica Lynch at the beginning of the Iraq War was killed in action in Afghanis...

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Posted in: News & Press
Still Paying for the Civil War WILKESBORO, N.C.—Each month, Irene Triplett collects $73.13 from the Department of Veterans Affairs, a pension p...

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Please help spread the word on this study and forward to anyone who might want to participate. This is an ongoing study for three more years and will ...

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Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .